Christiana Figueres, an LQ Ambassador and one of the architects of the Paris Climate Agreement, joins The Way Out Is In.


Presenters Jo Confino, an LQ Partner, and Brother Phap Huu, a lay Buddhist practitioner, discuss collective leadership; guidance; spiritual awakening and nourishing our spiritual dimension; dependent co-arising; and saving lives through teachings.

Figueres shares deeply about what brought her to Plum Village, both now and years ago, during her first encounter with Applied Buddhism; her journey to spiritual practice, to overcome a personal crisis; the historical context of making contact with Thich Nhat Hanh; and the transformative power of Buddhist teachings – such as the art of deep listening – on the negotiation process during the Paris Climate Change Conference.

Additionally, she addresses the Global North-South divide; victimhood; and strengthening the arc between the inner and outer worlds.